Inequality and Globalization

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James K. Galbraith


One of the chief concerns of James Galbraith has been the search for the origin of inequality and inequity during the last decades. In this article, the author returns to the hypothesis of Kuznets, who elaborated a quantitative approximation for the evolution of economic inequalities en the process of industrialization during the fifties in order to bring the thinking up to date as it relates to inequalities even before the current crisis. The author also alludes to the recent book Inequality and Instability (2012) in which he explains the historical context of inequality among European countries. Other models are mentioned in the explanation of the central hypothesis, taking into consideration technological change and qualified workforces. This article is part of the University of Texas Inequality Project.

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How to Cite
Galbraith, J. K. (2013). Inequality and Globalization. Ola Financiera, 6(14), 1–18.

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