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Ola Financiera


One of the forces that generate the tendency to stagnation is the policy of generalized austerity. This policy has been the element that has accentuated the difficulties. Not only for the more than erroneous proclivity of the governments to cut all the expenses that constitute a brake to the fall of the demand, in particular the social expense, but also because those governments have been let drag, during the vortex of the financial crisis, to the irrational transfer, without measure, of resources to the financial sector. These strategies, together with the budget cuts, the fall in productive investment and the funds destined only to stop the financial losses of the most concentrated segments of the financial markets, have been formed as the supposed key to overcome the crisis, without any result.

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How to Cite
Financiera, O. (2013). Editorial. Ola Financiera, 6(15). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/ROF/article/view/40254

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