Effects of healthy lifestyles on social skills in young people
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According to the literature, healthy lifestyles, such as exercise and the support of others, affect social skills in a positive way. This study was aimed to stablish the effects of healthy lifestyles on social skills in young people. 263 students from Mexico City participated in this protocol, they answered the Lifestyle Profile Questionnaire (PEPSI-I) and the Social Skills Scale. Multiple linear regression analyzes were performed step by step. It was found that lifestyles of self-realization, exercise and personal support positively affect social skills self-expression in social environments, self-defense of consumer rights, anger or disagreement expression, saying no and cutting interactions and starting positive interactions with opposite the sex. It is concluded that it’s possible to develop social skills in young people, as long as they adopt healthy lifestyles.
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How to Cite
Otáñez Ludick, J. E. (2018). Effects of healthy lifestyles on social skills in young people. Vertientes. Revista Especializada En Ciencias De La Salud, 20(2), 5–11. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/vertientes/article/view/67161
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