Teachers leadership and the perception of happiness in higher education students
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This research had two objectives: 1) To identify the differences between the perception students have of their professors leadership and, the leadership reported by their professors, 2) To identify the relationship between the leadership professors exercise and the happiness reported by students. 261 students and 26 teachers of higher education of Mexico City participated. Two instruments were answered: The Test of Situational Leadership Styles1,2 and the Happiness Scale3. Unlike teachers, students perceive a more directive leadership, less participatory or persuasive and more delegating. Three correlations were obtained, two negative, ones of delegation leadership with students feeling happy and the second of participative leadership with a feeling of neutral happiness on behalf of students. The positive correlation was obtained between the delegating leadership and the neutral happiness perceived by students.
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How to Cite
Correa-Reyes, A. S., & Cuevas-Martínez, M. del R. (2018). Teachers leadership and the perception of happiness in higher education students. Vertientes. Revista Especializada En Ciencias De La Salud, 20(1), 20–26. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/vertientes/article/view/64543
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