H1N1 influenza A in Mexico. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention
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H1N1 Influenza A is a viral infection of the airways, including the lung. It is spread from person to person by sneezing and talking, it can be mistaken for serious flu cases of other influenza. The influenza virus mutations usually occur outside the period from december to march when there is seasonal influenza and in some cases it is possible to identify the exposure of animals. Three types of virus are known, A, B, C. The type A mutates more quickly and has greater antigenic flexibility. H1N1 and H3N2 strains are the most commonly circulating in the human population. Symptoms include headache, cough, sore throat, malaise, muscle and joint pain, hyperthermia increased to 38.5 ºC, sometimes diarrhea and vomiting. The choice of antiviral medications oseltamivir and zanamivir are both for prophylaxis and treatment and has specific diagnostic tests to rule and confirming cases and preventive intervention measures at the primary care level. From December 2005 to February 2009, the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta (CDC), reported a total of 12 human cases with swine flu, from March 2009 a human infection with a new strain of virus (H1N1 ) in California, Texas and Mexico was confirmed. The present article describes the features of H1N1 influenza, epidemiology, prevention, treatment and its presence in Mexico.
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How to Cite
Ponce López, M. L. (2011). H1N1 influenza A in Mexico. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Vertientes. Revista Especializada En Ciencias De La Salud, 12(1-2). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/vertientes/article/view/26714
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