The university artistic workshop´s contributions in the mental health ptomotion

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Mercedes Esmirna Rios Bustos


The Faculty of Superior Studies Zaragoza (FES Zaragoza) is placed at a zone in México City with not much culture places and an index high of alcoholism, drug addiction and family violence. This student popilation isn´t foreign to this problems. In 1991 this educaional institution open two Artistic workshops no formal because they haven´t a plan to form professionals with succesful. At present there are 16 artistic workshops. The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) had a strike in 1999 nearly a year, and there was a big sorprase observe with the activities renewel an increase in the income request. ¿What do this students find in this spaces? They aren´t free and they are out of curriculum. With the intention met better this spaces, I realize a qualitative study with this hypothesis: The creative expression is a fundamental human needing, let a transformation in the subjetivity and inter subjetivity reconstruccion. In this study there were made semidirect interviews included biography aspects of the students, manually and with a Hi8 camera, individual and in group, to 58 students of both sexes.

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How to Cite
Rios Bustos, M. E. (2011). The university artistic workshop´s contributions in the mental health ptomotion. Vertientes. Revista Especializada En Ciencias De La Salud, 14(1). Retrieved from

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