Anti-inflammatory effectiveness of lasertherapy in extractions of lower third molars performed at the clinic Estado de Mexico, FES Zaragoza-UNAM, from december 2008 to february 2009
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The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory application of postoperative lasertherapy and conventional treatment after surgery (anti-inflammatory and analgesics) in proceedings for extractions of third molars, performed at the clinic "Estado de México, FES Zaragoza, UNAM", from December 2008 to February 2009. The total sample size was 4 patients attending the clinic Estado de México, FES Zaragoza, UNAM, during that period. On the right side, the extraction of the third molar was carried out routinely and on the left side, the extraction was performed and then lasertherapy was applied. The anti-inflammatory efficacy was assessed by three parameters: trismus, edema and pain. The trismus by maximum incisal opening (MAO), edema by measuring with an extraoral flexible ruler (lid outer edge - the mandible angle, tragus - Oral commissure, Oral commissure - the mandible angle), and pain by visual analog scale (VAS). These three parameters were evaluated at four different times: preoperative, postoperative, immediate postoperative period (48 hours), late postoperative period (7 days). There were only statistically significant differences in postoperative pain mediated by student test (p < 0.05). The results obtained in this study showed that the main therapeutic effect of lasertherapy is the analgesic effect. The trismus and edema can still be present, but the reduction in postoperative pain after lasertherapy was evident.
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How to Cite
López García, E., Ortega Espinosa, M. del C., Flores Díaz, R., & Llamas Velázquez, G. (2011). Anti-inflammatory effectiveness of lasertherapy in extractions of lower third molars performed at the clinic Estado de Mexico, FES Zaragoza-UNAM, from december 2008 to february 2009. Vertientes. Revista Especializada En Ciencias De La Salud, 14(1). Retrieved from
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