Decision-making and Construction of Power from Structural Systemic Realism

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Luis Dallanegra Pedraza


To design a foreign policy, as a basic requirement the functioning of the world system in which is inserted the country must be understood. Decisions can not be taken in the frame of a system whose operation is just an “illusion”. In order to know the world system, we have to be located from a perspective that allows us to watch it as it is. This will provide a “cosmovision” of the reality. The Realism contributes to that perspective. There are “realistic theories”, but the Realism is not a theory; the Realism itself is a cosmovision, and as any cosmovision it is universal. There is an exaltation of the vision that new theories overcome to the Realism, and that is not to understand what the Realism is and what a theory is. This is demonstrated in the article starting from an epistemological studio.

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How to Cite
Dallanegra Pedraza, L. (2010). Decision-making and Construction of Power from Structural Systemic Realism. Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (104). Retrieved from

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