Comparison of Depth of Cure at Three LED Light Distances with Three Colors of Composite Resin
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Introduction: If the resin does not receive enough photons at the appropriate wavelengths, the degree of polymerization will be inadequate. There may be greater wear and microleakage, less hardness, and decreased elastic modulus, which can cause pigmentation, postoperative sensitivity, and caries recurrence. Objective: To compare the depth of cure (dc) of the composite resin in shades A1, A2, and A3 at 0 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm distance with light emitted by diodes (led). Materials and methods: 180 samples in 9 groups (n=20). BrilliantTM NG, Coltene composite resin was used. A1, A2, and A3 at 0 mm (control group), 5 mm, and 10 mm distance of light curing with led lamp (3M Elipar Deep Cure) for 20 s according to the manufacturer's instructions. Following the test method of the une-en-iso 4049-2019 standard, the non-polymerized material was removed with a plastic spatula. dc (mm) was obtained with a micrometer with an accuracy of ±0.1mm. Results: The depth of cure at a distance of 0 mm of the A1 composite was greater (2.89 mm) compared to the A2 and A3 groups with 2.86 and 2.83 mm respectively, (anova p<0.001). At a distance of 5 mm, the dc of the composite resin A1 was 2.77mm, while with shade A2 it was 2.47mm and A3 was 2.37mm (anova p<0.001. At a distance of 10 mm, the resin A1 obtained a PC of 2.65mm compared to 2.37mm in A2 and 2.23mm in A3 (anova p<0.001). Conclusions: As the distance between the light source and the resin increases, the dc is affected. Therefore, inadvertently moving the light source away from the composite negatively affects curing, reducing the quality and longevity of the material in the mouth.
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