Candidate markers, culture strategies and DPSC perspectives used as cellular therapy in dentistry

Contenido principal del artículo

Stefanny Romero
Katherine Córdoba
Katherine Córdoba
Carlos A. Martínez Valbuena
Carlos A. Martínez Valbuena
Juan G. Gutiérrez Quintero
Juan G. Gutiérrez Quintero
Juan Y. Durán Riveros
Juan Y. Durán Riveros
Juan Carlos Munévar Niño
Juan Carlos Munévar Niño


Tissue engineering based on dental pulp stem cells is considered as a promising approach for regenerative dentistry. It purports the fi nal target of morphologically and functionally replacing periodontal tissues and/or lost teeth by means of the in vitro synthesis of tissueanalog substitutes, or even a human tooth (called bio-tooth). Dental pulp stem cells represent a colony of adult cells which have the ability to auto-renovate and differentiate in different lineages. Dental pulp stem cells exact origin has yet to be fully determined; these stem cells seem to be the source of odontoblasts, which contribute to the formation of the dentin-pulp complex. Recently, achievements obtained through research conducted on stem cells, have allowed us to contemplate the possible therapeutic applications of dental pulp stem cells. Some studies have shown that dental pulp stem cells are able to produce in vivo dental tissues, including dental pulp and crown structures. Other research has demonstrated that these stem cells differentiate in vivo and in vitro into osteoblasts, neuroblasts, chondrocytes fi broblasts, and endothelium. In theory, a bio-tooth synthesized from autogenic dental pulp stem cells should be the best option to recover the whole structure and function of a human tooth. The aim of the present review article was to undertake a brief description of the location, origin, isolation and candidate markers of dental pulp stem cells in order to thus present application perspectives to be used in the dental clinic.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Romero, S., Córdoba, K., Córdoba, K., Martínez Valbuena, C. A., Martínez Valbuena, C. A., Gutiérrez Quintero, J. G., Gutiérrez Quintero, J. G., Durán Riveros, J. Y., Durán Riveros, J. Y., Munévar Niño, J. C., & Munévar Niño, J. C. (2019). Candidate markers, culture strategies and DPSC perspectives used as cellular therapy in dentistry. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 18(3). Ing.69659

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Biografía del autor/a

Stefanny Romero

Coordinación de publicaciones.

Editora de la Revista Ódontológica Mexicana. Órgano Oficial de la Facultad de Odontología, UNAM.