Comprehensive prosthetic rehabilitation in absence of the maxilla. Clinical case report

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María de Lourdes Mendoza Ugalde
José Federico Torres Terán
René Jiménez Castillo


Maxillofacial Prosthesis studies comprehend two main branches:oral and facial. In the mouth, some defects caused by unilateral orbilateral maxillectomies performed as part of head and neck cancer treatment, leave structural, functional and psychological sequels.This gives rise to the need of a comprehensive prosthetic rehabilitation.To this end, palate prostheses are used, which offer patients´reinsertion into society as well as better quality of life. In the presentclinical case, the shutter was placed in a situation of complete absenceof the maxilla , achieving thus function re-establishment andacceptable aesthetics

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Cómo citar
Mendoza Ugalde, M. de L., Torres Terán, J. F., & Jiménez Castillo, R. (2015). Comprehensive prosthetic rehabilitation in absence of the maxilla. Clinical case report. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 19(3).

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