Physicochemical analysis of MTA Angelus® and Biodentine® conducted with X ray difraction, dispersive energy spectrometry, X ray fl uorescence, scanning electron microscope and infra red spectroscopy

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Alejandra Citlalli Rodríguez Rocha
Genoveva Hernández Padrón
Margarita V García Garduño
Raúl Luis García Aranda


The aim of the present study was to characterize components of commercial cements used in dentistry MTA Angelus® White (AngelusLodrina, Parana Brazil) and BiodentineTM (Septodont, Saint-Maur-desFosses, France). Techniques used for said characterization were Scanning Electron Microscope, X-Ray Diffraction, X Ray Fluorescence,Electron Dispersion Spectrometry, and Infrared Spectroscopy. Both cements were mixed according to manufacturer’s instructions. A study of surface texture was conducted with ScanningElectron Microscope (SEM), and X Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis,and X Ray fl uorescence analysis (XRF), an analysis of DispersiveEnergy Spectrometry (DES), as well as an Infra Red Spectroscopy(IRS) in order to determine functional groups. Results: In XRDanalysis, a difference was found: Biodentine exhibited Na2O andZrO2. These elements were absent in MTA. MTA presented Cr2O3and BiO2 which in turn were absent in Biodentine. EDS analysisrevealed that differences were found in the radio-opacifying agent,and that Biodentine presented CaCl2 differing in this from MTA.Statistical analysis conducted revealed statistically signifi cant percentagesin contents, even though components were found to bepractically the same. SEM analysis revealed marked differences:MTA presented irregular and porous surface whereas Biodentineexhibited irregular and fi lament form. Conclusion: There is a greatsimilarity in the chemical components of MTA Angelus and Biodentine,with the exception of chemical components providing radioopacity,the size and form of the grain, and, in Biodentine presenceof calcium chloride.

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Cómo citar
Rodríguez Rocha, A. C., Hernández Padrón, G., García Garduño, M. V., & García Aranda, R. L. (2015). Physicochemical analysis of MTA Angelus® and Biodentine® conducted with X ray difraction, dispersive energy spectrometry, X ray fl uorescence, scanning electron microscope and infra red spectroscopy. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 19(3).

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