Facial asymmetry secondary to mandubular condylar hyperplasia. A case report

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Alberto Wintergerst Fisch
Carlos Iturralde Espinosa
Santiago Reynoso Quezada


Mandibular condylar  hyperplasia is a rare disease first described in 1836 as an  overgrowth of the mandibular condyle leading to facial asymmetry  and occlusal alterations. It can be associated to temporomandibular pain and dysfunction. This disorder is self limiting, but as long as it remains active, asymmetry and occlusal changes will remain progressive.  The etiology of condylar hyperplasia remains uncertain, although certain factors like arthritis and hormonal disorders have been associated to it. The case of a female patient with facial asymmetry  associated to mandibular condylar hyperplasia and treated with high condylectomy and orthognatic surgery is  presented.

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Cómo citar
Wintergerst Fisch, A., Iturralde Espinosa, C., & Reynoso Quezada, S. (2011). Facial asymmetry secondary to mandubular condylar hyperplasia. A case report. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 15(4). Recuperado a partir de https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/rom/article/view/27886

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