Application of plasma rich in growth factors after extraction of lower third molars. Case report

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Víctor Mario Fierro Serna
Ricardo Martínez Rider
José Antonio Hidalgo Hurtado
José Martín Toranzo Fernández
Amaury de Jesús Pozos Guillén


In recent years, the use of plasma rich in growth factors and platelets has become popular in the fields of oral and maxillofacial surgery. This case report describes a 21 year old female presenting moderate pain in the lower right and left third molar area. Both third molars were surgically removed. 20 cc of the patient´s blood were extracted to obtain plasma rich in growth factors. This plasma was applied to the area of the left lower third molar extraction site. The right lower third molar extraction site was irrigated with physiological saline Three days after the operation, we could clinically observe a lesser degree of extraoral inflammation on the left side, when compared to the right side. On the left side, we observe  intraorally less inflammation and erythema in the zone and better epitheliazation  when compared with the right sideFive days after the operation suture points are removed from both sides of the mandible On the left side the wound presented  better epitheliazation  and lesser degree of erythema. Seven days after the operation, the difference in the soft tissue regeneration is  clearly better on the left side when compared to the right one. In every one of her control visits, the patient reported lesser degree of pain in the left side than in the right one. Our experience in this case indicates that the use of plasma rich in growth factors can be beneficial for the postoperative period of patients after surgical extraction of lower third molars.

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Cómo citar
Fierro Serna, V. M., Martínez Rider, R., Hidalgo Hurtado, J. A., Toranzo Fernández, J. M., & Pozos Guillén, A. de J. (2011). Application of plasma rich in growth factors after extraction of lower third molars. Case report. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 15(2). Recuperado a partir de

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Biografía del autor/a

Víctor Mario Fierro Serna

Coordinación de publicaciones.

Editora de la Revista Ódontológica Mexicana. Órgano Oficial de la Facultad de Odontología, UNAM.