<i>Fake News, trolls and other charms. How social networks work (for good and bad) by Ernesto Calvo and Natalia Aruguete<i>
Main Article Content
Fake News, trolls y otros encantos is an interdisciplinary, a theoretical-empirical triangulation between communication studies, political science and statistics. Calvo and Aruguete's work recovers categories of analysis of classic texts and other more current ones. It also establishes a critical dialogue with theoretical approaches designed in other media contexts to update them in light of the forms of public conversation mediated by digital social networks.
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How to Cite
Rivero, E. A., & Zanotti, J. M. (2020). <i>Fake News, trolls and other charms. How social networks work (for good and bad) by Ernesto Calvo and Natalia Aruguete<i>. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (29), 137–140. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484911e.2020.29.76061
Citas en Dimensions Service
Calvo, Ernesto y Aruguete, Natalia, Fake News, trolls y otros encantos. Cómo funcionan (para bien y para mal) las redes sociales, Siglo XXI, Buenos Aires, 2020, 240 p. ISBN 978-987-629-998-5

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