<strong>Perception on the Re-election of Mayors in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (ZMG)</strong>
Main Article Content
This article aims to analyze theoretically and empirically the reelection process of Mexican mayors on the basis of citizens perception from the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (ZMG). A political reform approved in 2014 allowed municipal authorities the possibility of immediate reelection for the first time in modern Mexican history. This change can improve local management, but it might also reinforce old “cacicazgos” that prevail within the country’s regions. After the reform was approved in 2014, a survey was carried out with the participation of 1 517 citizens from the ZMG. The data were analyzed through a model of ordinal logistic regression. The main findings were that citizens would support the major’s reelection based on their performance regarding municipal police and a low corruption level. Besides, it was found that those citizens who sympathize with political parties were more inclined to support reelection whereas those within the highest ranges of age were not keen on this idea. At the end of this article, the limitations of this work are discussed, as well as future opportunities to study this issue.
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