Cristina Fernández and the Judiciary. Notes on a Conflictive –Discursive– Relationship

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Irene Lis Gindin


This article studied, through the analysis of the speech of former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the ways in which her link with the Judiciary of the Argentine Nation was built. From the exploration of the controversial aspect of the discourse, it is argued that this link can be understood by what was called the founding renomination: the political and discursive moment in which Fernandez began to call the judiciary the “Judicial Party”. The corpus of analysis was made up of a set of speeches that referred to three events that highlighted this relationship: the judicial reform of 2013, the death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman in 2015 and the successive judicial complaints against Fernández de Kirchner. Because what is being discussed are issues linked to the separation of powers, reflecting on these links helps to think about democracy itself.

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How to Cite
Gindin, I. L. (2021). Cristina Fernández and the Judiciary. Notes on a Conflictive –Discursive– Relationship. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (30), 59–73.

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Author Biography

Irene Lis Gindin, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.

Assistant researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and doctoral and postdoctoral fellow at the same body. She is part of the Academic Committee of the Center for Media Research (CIM) and works as a teacher at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), located in Argentina, where she has a doctorate and a degree in social communication.


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