Changes in the Concept of Public Opinion at the End of the 18th Century

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Nigel Glendinning


In the twenties of the eighteenth century, the opinions shared by many people, widespread, do not inspire great confidence in Father Feijoo, and rather seemed suspicious. "The value of opinions has been computed by weight, not by the number of souls," he says in his essay "Voz del Pueblo." He found the judgment of the majority, both in politics and in morals. And if sometimes it was right, it was "by a strange light or by chance".

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How to Cite
Glendinning, N. (2019). Changes in the Concept of Public Opinion at the End of the 18th Century. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, 2(27), 137–144. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Nigel Glendinning, Cambridge University

He studied French and Spanish Language and Literature at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. He was a postgraduate fellow at King's College until 1954, and a temporary assistant professor at the University of Oxford. Most of his career was devoted to teaching. He taught at the University of Cambridge, the University of Dublin, and the University of Southampton, in the United Kingdom. He received several awards for his contributions and career, among which are: Corresponding Member of the Hispanic Society of America, in 1977; Commander of the Order of Isabel la Católica, in 1986, and "Honorary Fellow" of the Hispanic Society of America, in 1944. He died in London, in 2013.


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