The Molecule of Life in the Spanish Press
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The consequences of the discovery of the dna structure by Watson and Crick in 1953 permeated the lives of people around the whole world. Although somewhat late, the Spanish press disseminated the related events of what was one of the greatest revolutions in the history of human thought. The objective of this study was to analyse the content of the news about the discovery of the double helix in the Spanish press, to know the approach and orientation of the media treatment. To obtain the sample, the Dow Jones Factiva database was used along with the digital version of the newspapers of the two most widely read newspapers of the time: abc and La Vanguardia. Of the 167 news analysed, 36.53% was published between 1988 and 1993, 35.33% was historical articles that narrated the events that happened with the passing of the years since the discovery of the structure, while only 2.99% explained the dna model. The association between the content of press news and historical scientific events can provide us with a more refined perspective on the real influence of the media on scientific knowledge.
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