Opinion Leader and Public Opinion. An Epistemological Reflexivity of these Concepts
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We depart from the hypothesis, according to which the concepts of “opinion leader” and “public opinion“, before being analytical categories, are theoretical assumptions that, as such, present a difficulty of axiological ratification. Given these difficulties, it is of interest in the present lines to reflect on the construction of evidence around these two concepts, like processes of epistemological validities. Considering that these concepts have served as base of many investigations about the mass communication, an epistemological alertness must prevail to justify its scientific use. Having as a reflective base the concepts foucaultians of will to knowledge and will to power, as well as the phenomenological postulate of the intentionality, we will try to present some critical lines about the construction of evidence that, supposedly, account for the epistemological validity of “opinion leader” and “public opinion“. While theoretical assumptions, from these concepts, one has tried to construct the whole methodological and theoretical device that frankly presents serious difficulties of epistemological validity, when the methodological and technical processes is reviewed that contradict phenomenology itself, denying a will of power.
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