Culture of Lawfulness in Violence Contexts. Hagámoslo Bien Phenomenon in Monterrey

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Rodrigo Peña González


To analyze peacebuilding processes in scenarios of violence is both interesting and complicated. One way to do it is through the knowledge of how communions and convergences among actors occur in favor of peaceful scenarios. The article analyzes the creation and development of Hagámoslo Bien, a citizens' initiative in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León, designed and implemented in order to counter the wave of violence and insecurity that the city went through, particularly in 2011. The exercise is based on the Social Network Analysis technique, which allows to graph, to measure and analyze the quantitative and qualitative construction and dynamic nature of Hagámoslo Bien as a huge peacebuilding network in Monterrey, designed to disseminate and promote a culture of lawfulness as a means to reach peace in this city. The article begins documenting the context in which the initiative arises, identifies its key players and then explains qualitatively and quantitatively the size and nature of the network, recognizing, as part of its conclusions, the importance of involving the right actors in such adverse situations, to promote projects of this nature, also addressing its challenges towards the future.

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How to Cite
Peña González, R. (2015). Culture of Lawfulness in Violence Contexts. Hagámoslo Bien Phenomenon in Monterrey. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (20).

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Author Biography

Rodrigo Peña González, Colectivo de Análisis de la Seguridad con Democracia A. C.

Master in Political and Social Studies, and a BA in International Relations from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He has developed and participated in research projects on theory and anthropology of the state, civil society and violence. He has authored or co-authored 10 academic journals including articles, reviews , introductions and book chapters, and four books, including the Atlas de la seguridad y violencia en las Zonas Metropolitanas de Puebla y Tehuacán (2015). Currently a member of the Colectivo de Análisis de la Seguridad con Democracia (CASEDE) and since January 2016 PhD student at the University of Leiden, Netherlands. His research interests are: international security , civil society, sovereignty, political theory.


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