The French political system and the electoral victory of Sarkozy

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Roberto Peña Guerrero


In the last presidential election in France on April 22t h(first round) and May 6th (second round), of 2007, won Nicolás Sarkozy who at his 52 years old, became the sixth Head of State of the Fifth Republic. Since 1981 was not submitted as high citizen participation in presidential elections, reaching the second round almost 85 percent of the electorate. The French political system combines features of parliamentary government and presidential system, so it has been categorized as a semi presidential regime, but what distinguishes France from other countries with similar system is the concentration of real power in the president, whose powers are substantive to decision-making and governance.

However, the presidentialization of power in France has been accompanied by the principle of majority in the National Assembly, which has allowed on several occasions the phenomenon of “cohabitation”, where the president is forced to govern together with a Prime Minister from the opposition party of the presidential one, which has a majority in Parliament. One month after Sarkozy’s election victory, legislative elect ions were held (June 10th and 17th of 2007); its results favored the Sarkozy’s party candidates (Union for a Popular Movement), winning 313 seats out of 577. With this, Nicolás Sarkozy strengthened as one of European leaders with most legitimacy and political weight.

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How to Cite
Peña Guerrero, R. (2013). The French political system and the electoral victory of Sarkozy. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (5).

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Author Biography

Roberto Peña Guerrero, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Master in Political Science from the Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM, with doctoral studies in International Relations and European Union at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Research Professor, at the Centro de Relaciones Internacionales of the FCPyS, and member of the Asociación de Acreditación y Certificación en Ciencias Sociales A. C. (ACCECISO). Recently coordinated the book México - Unión europea. Asociación estratégica para la gobernabilidad y la inclusión social (UNAM-Plaza y Valdés, México, 2008), and is the author of “La crisis de la política exterior de México: mitos y realidades” in M. Consuelo Dávila y Rubén Cuéllar (coords.), La política exterior de México y sus nuevos desafíos (UNAM-Plaza y Valdés, México, 2008), and the “Terrorismo y derechos Humanos a siete años del Eleven-Nine”, in the review Nueva Visión Socialdemócrata (núm. 13, México, julio-septiembre de 2008), and the articles “Integración: une expérience manquée”, en la Revue nouvelle, núm. 11, Bruselas, noviembre 2006, y “Perspectivas de la democracia en América Latina y el Caribe”, en la revista Estudios Internacionales de la Complutense, volume 8, Madrid, january-april 2006.