Civic Journalism Ethics: the Indepence as a Guide

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Bob Steele


The paper addresses the problem of ethics in Civic Journalism, mainly since the debate developed by its supporters and its detractors. From this starting point the paper develops different topics that can offer a common ground among Traditional Journalism and Civic Journalism, beyond their traditional roles.

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How to Cite
Steele, B. (2013). Civic Journalism Ethics: the Indepence as a Guide. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (3).

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Author Biography

Bob Steele, Poynter Institute, Florida, USA

Doctor from the University of Iowa. He is a specialist in ethics and journalism, and since 1989 is academic at The Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg. He has taught and conducted hundreds of seminars and workshops on journalism, as well as sessions on ethics and values in more than 80 organizations in the US, including newspapers, television channels and radio stations.
Besides devoted to teaching, was also highlighted by guiding journalists and media leaders on ethical dilemmas and challenges of leadership, and organizations on the development and updating of ethical codes, parameters and practical principles.
He is the author of numerous articles, case studies and manuals published by The American Society of Newspaper Editors and The Radio-Television News Directors Association, and also is co-author of Doing Ethics in Journalism (1998), published by The Society of Professional Journalists.