Modernity, Postmodernity and Youth

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José Manuel Valenzuela Arce


The discussion on the cultural environment of the past two decades has been strongly marked by positions that are located in the postmodern perspective, and in a vague area that questions the continuity of modernity. One of the central themes present in this discussion refers to challenging the concepts of progress and development as defining aspects of the idea of the future of modernity. Postmodernism, among its many options, includes the idea of postindustrialization or hyperindustrialization, extreme development of individualism, broad technological and communication development, relevant boundaries embedded in the sphere of consumption, etc; aspects that have little qu
Third and see our reality. That is why we differentiate between postmodernism as a category that includes social actions-that would be the social effects of modernization-and postmodernism as a cultural stance on art and literature (modernist), whose size exceeds the socioeconomic environment in which is generated. This work is divided into three sections: the first one is an overview of modernity and its characteristics, emphasizing the idea of development and progress; in the second we locate various postmodern positions, and the third section we note some cultural characteristics of the sixties.

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How to Cite
Valenzuela Arce, J. M. (2013). Modernity, Postmodernity and Youth. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (11). Retrieved from

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Author Biography

José Manuel Valenzuela Arce, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (COLEF).

Research Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte; and PhD in Social Sciences from the Colegio de Mexico. His research has addressed issues related to culture and identity, social and youth movements, urban sociology and culture. He is a member of the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores and received the ”Premio de Musicología Casa de las Américas 2001” award for his work "Jefe de jefes: corridos y narcocultura en México”.

His most recent publications are: This is Tijuana" (2004), "Vida de barro duro: cultura popular juvenil en Brasil" (1997), "Nuestros piensos. Las culturas populares en la frontera México-Estados Unidos" (1998); “El color de las sombras: chicanos, identidad y racismo" (1998); “Una aproximación cultural a la frontera México-Estados Unidos" (coord. 2003); "Los estudios culturales en México" (coord.) 2003; "Renacerá la palabra" (2004) and "Paso del Nortec"