The Action of Unconstitutionality: a Way to Protect the Autonomy of the Organisms and the Fundamental Rights in Electoral Matter

Main Article Content

Yolanda Columba León Manríquez


The current commentary briefly displays the unconstitutional action promoted by the Revolutionary Institutional Party against several articles of The Federal District Electoral Code published in December 20th of 2010. The resolution emitted by our Supreme Court of Justice approaches four fundamental themes in election law which are freedom of association for political purposes, freedom of speech granted to political parties and to pre-candidates, as well as the autonomy and functioning of The Federal District Electoral Institute and the needed coordination between The Federal Electoral Institute and the local electoral institute in order to accomplish their purpose as guardians of our democracy.

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How to Cite
León Manríquez, Y. C. (2013). The Action of Unconstitutionality: a Way to Protect the Autonomy of the Organisms and the Fundamental Rights in Electoral Matter. Revista Mexicana De Opinión Pública, (11).

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Author Biography

Yolanda Columba León Manríquez, Instituto Electoral del Distrito Federal.

Degree in Accounting from the Instituto Tecnológico Autonómo de México; Master in Counseling and Human Development (Humanistic Psychology) and a PhD candidate in Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA). It is, since January 2006, Electoral Councilor of the Consejo General del Instituto Electoral del Distrito Federal. She was president of the  Comisión de Capacitación Electoral y Educación Cívica 2006-2010; currently chairs the Comisión de Asociaciones Políticas, responsible for submitting to the General Council proposals for the funding of political parties, and to strengthen and empower Political Associations.
Including the Commission's Compliance and Transparency and Citizen Participation, was also president of the Asociación Mexicana de Consejeras Electorales Estatales (AMCEE) in 2009 and 2010.