Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
As a part of the process of consignment, it is required to the authors the indication that their delivery fulfill every following element and accept that deliveries that do not comply with these indications may be returned to the author.
The consignment has not been previously published nor has been previously submitted to another review (or an explanation has been provided in Commentaries to the editor).
The sent file is in Microsoft Word, RTF or Word Perfect format.
Web addresses have been added for references when possible.
Text has space between lines of 1.5, the font is Times New Roman, and the size is 12 points; it is used Italics instead of underlining (excepting the addresses URL); all illustrations, figures, and tables are included in the text in their correspondent place and not at the end of it.
The text complies with bibliographical and style requirements indicated in the Norms for authors that can be found in "Acerca de la revista".
If submission is to a section of the review that is evaluated by peers, the author has to assure him or herself that instructions described in “Asegurando una revision a ciegas” have been followed.
Author Guidelines
Instructive for collaborators
The aim of the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública (RMOP) is academic reflection centered around concrete issues related to public opinion in Mexico, Latin America and the world. The RMOP is a space for analysis based on quantitative and qualitative arguments, as well as evidemce that supports cause-effect explanations.
Contributions for the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública (RMOP) must have the form and presentation of articles, and comply with the following requirements:
1. Maximal extension of 20 to 25 pages, letter size, one side, space between lines 1.5, Times New Roman font, 12 points. In the total of pages must be included: title in Spanish, summary and keywords, title in English, abstract and keywords, bibliography, tables, and frames. Important note.- A page includes 1620 or up to 1800 characters with spaces.
2. Include an introduction explaining the methodology and development of the study, as well as the results and conclusions of the study.
3. At the beginning, the article should present the title of the article, a summary of its content of no more than 200 words, as well as a series of 6 keywords or descriptors of the article to be published; all this in Spanish and English. The abstract should include each of the important concepts of the article and its correlations, as well as the main conclusions. The name of the article and the subheadings, subsections, subincises, or, where appropriate, the chapter number, must be definitive. It is recommended to take into account the following structure for the summary:
I. Objective
II. Design / methodology / approach with which the study was carried out
III. Results
IV. Study Limitations / Implications
V. Originality / value
VI. Findings / conclusions
The editorial team will synthesize that summary containing a greater number of words than the requested one.
4. The following general order is recommended for the organization of the article:
I. Introduction
II. Methodology
III. Results
IV. Conclusions
5. The notes and references included in them will be made as footnotes. All those that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should take it included at the end of the reference. The complete information must be recorded in the following order:
- Books: Name(s) of author(s), Last name(s), title in italics, editorial (comma), place of edition (comma), country of edition (comma), year of publication (comma), pages consulted preceded by the abbreviation p. or pp (period).
Javier Bernabé Fraguas, Periodismo preventivo. Otra manera de informar sobre las crisis y los conflictos internacionales, Los Libros de la Catarata, Madrid, España, 2007, pp. 37-47.
- Printed reviews or periodicals: Author’s name(s), Last name(s), title of the article in quotation marks (comma), name of the review or newspaper in uppercase and lowercase letters and italics, vol. and/or publication number (comma), editor or publisher (comma), place of edition (comma), country of edition (comma), year of publication (comma) and page(s) consulted preceded by the abbreviation p. or pp. (period).
Johan Galtung y Mari Holmboe, “The Structure of Foreign News”, Journal of Peace Research, vol. 2, núm. 1, SAGE, Oslo, Noruega, 1965, pp. 64-91.
- Online reviews or periodicals: Author’s name(s), Last name(s), title of the article in quotation marks (comma), name of the review or newspaper in uppercase and lowercase and in italics (comma), vol. and/or publication number (comma), editor or publisher (comma), place of the edition (comma), country of the edition (comma), year of publication (comma), page(s) consulted preceded by the abbreviation p. or pp. (period). Available in <complete url>, [Date of consultation: day ... of month ..., year].
Sandra Braman, “Where Has Media Policy Gone? Defining the Field in the Twenty-First Century”, Communication Law and Policy, vol. 9, núm. 2, Taylor and Francis, Londres, Reino Unido, 2004, pp. 153-182. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta:14 de febrero, 2018].
Claudia Córdoba Calquin, Massimiliano Farris y Karina Rojas Patuelli, “Discutir la segregación socioeconómica escolar en términos territoriales. La influencia diferenciada de la fragmentación urbana y la movilidad cotidiana” [en línea], Investigaciones Geográficas, núm. 92, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México. Disponible en <>, doi:, [fecha de consulta: 21 de junio, 2017].
- Digital books: Name(s) of author(s), Last name(s), title in italics, editor or publisher (comma), place of edition (comma), year of edition (comma), pages consulted preceded by the abbreviation p. or pp (period). Available at <complete url.pdf>, [date of consultation: day ... of month ..., year].
Jan Pakulski, “Towards a Non-Class Analysis of Social Inequality”, en Erik Olin Wright (ed.), Alternative Foundations of Class Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Reino Unido, 2002, pp. 217-250. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 22 de mayo, 2018].
- Thesis: Name (s) of the supporter, Last name(s) (comma), title of the thesis in italics (comma), thesis (comma), full name of the university in which it was presented (comma), place of edition (comma), country of edition (comma), year of edition (period). Available in <complete url>, [Date of consultation: day... of month..., year].
John Saxe-Fernández, Geoeconomía y geopolítica del capital: Estados Unidos-América Latina en la Postquerra Fría, continuidades y discontinuidades. El caso del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica, nafta, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F., 1998. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 5 de junio, 2018].
- Websites: Name(s) of the author(s) of the content, Last name(s) (comma), title of the page in quotation marks (comma), title or owner of the site (period). Available in <full url> (comma), [date of consultation: day ... of month ..., year].
Fiscalía Especializada para la Atención de Delitos Electorales, “Estrategia de la Prevención del Delito”, Procuraduría General de la República. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 14 de junio, 2018].
- Twitter: Name of the user or organization (Twitter user name) (comma), complete content of the tweet in quotes (comma), [Tweet] (comma), date (comma), time (period). Available in <full url> (comma), [date of consultation: day ... of month ..., year].
The New York Times (@nytimes), “In his new book, Barry Strauss examines the assassination of Julius Caesar and its aftermath: htt://”, [tuit], 16 de marzo, 2015, 22:55. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 16 de marzo, 2015].
- Facebook: Name of the user (comma), title of the publication in quotes (comma), [status update in Facebook] (comma), date of edition (comma), time (period). Available in <full url> (comma), [date of consultation: day ... of month ..., year].
SciELO, "La mayor amenaza a la seguridad de Estados Unidos es el derrumbe de la fuerza laboral calificada y de la base industrial”, [actualización de estado en Facebook], 4 de junio, 2015. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 5 de junio, 2018].
- YouTube: User name (comma), video title in italics (comma), [video on YouTube] (comma), date of the video (period). Available in <full url> (comma), [Date of consultation: day ... of month ..., year].
Aristegui Noticias, México, ¿sin estructura institucional para investigar caso Odebrecht?: Aristegui, [video en YouTube], 21 de diciembre, 2017. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 5 de junio, 2018].
- Blog: Name of the author, Last name(s) (comma), title of the entry in quotes (comma), name of the blog in italics (comma), date of entry (period). Available in <complete url> (comma), [date of consultation: day...of month..., year].
Facundo Cruz, “ Los actores que supimos conseguir”, El Leviatán a Sueldo, 10 de mayo, 2018. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 5 de junio, 2018].
- Podcast: Name(s) of the author and / or narrator and / or interpreter and / or other author and / or corporate author if there is one (comma), Last name(s), title of the podcast in italics if it is an independent work, or in quotes if it is part of another (comma), title of the website in italics if it differs from the title of the podcast (comma), [podcast] (comma), date of publication (period). Available in <complete url> (comma), [date of consultation: day... of month..., year].
Radio unam, “¿Cómo influye el triunfo de Trump en México?”, Tiempo de Análisis, [podcast], s.f. Disponible en <>, [fecha de consulta: 4 de junio, 2018].
- Conferences and congresses: Name (s) of the organizer (s), speaker (s), person (s), Last name (s), title of the subject in quotes, name of the congress or conference in italics (comma), institution (comma), place of congress or conference (comma), country of congress or conference (comma), year of congress or conference (period).
Claude Berrebi y Esteban F. Klor, “The Impact of Terrorism on Voters’ Preferences”, Conferencia Anual de la mpsa National Conference, Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, EE. UU., 2007.
- Presentation: Name (s) of (l) the speaker (s), Last name (s), subject of the paper in commas (comma), paper presented in the name of the congress or event where the paper was presented in italics (comma ), organizers (comma), place of the presentation (comma), country of the presentation (comma), year of the presentation (period).
Micaela Baldoni, “Reconfiguraciones del espacio de la comunicación política en la década del noventa en Argentina”, Ponencia presentada en el Centro de estudios de Medios y Sociedad en Argentina, meso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016.
6. The references will be included again at the end of the article, arranged alphabetically and according to the following internal order. All those that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) must include it at the end of the bibliographic record:
Note.- (of general importance) .- At the end of the article, all the names of the authors that appear in a reference must be ordered as follows: Last name(s) of the author (comma), Name(s) (comma) ...
- Books: Author's last name (comma), Name (comma), title in Italics, editorial (comma), place of edition (comma), country of edition (comma), (comma), year of publication (period).
Bernabé Fraguas, Javier, Preventive journalism. Another way of reporting on crises and international conflicts, Los Libros de la Catarata, Madrid, 2007.
- Printed reviews or journals: Author's last name (comma), Name(s) (comma), title of the article in quotation marks (comma), name of the magazine or newspaper in uppercase and lowercase letters and Italics and/or publication number (comma), editor or publisher (comma), place of edition (comma), country of edition (comma), year of edition (comma), page (s) consulted preceded by the abbreviation p. or pp. (period).
Galtung, Johan and Mari Holmboe, "The Structure of Foreign News", Journal of Peace Research, vol. 2, núm. 1, sage, Oslo, Noruega, 1965, pp. 64-91.
- The order of all electronic references will be practically the same as indicated in each of the subsections of point 5, except that the name of the author (s) must be entered in an inverse manner.
Cruz, Facundo, “ Los actores que supimos conseguir”, El Leviatán a Sueldo, 10 de mayo, 2018. Disponible en<>, [fecha de consulta: 5 de junio, 2018].
Córdoba Calquin, Claudia, Farris Massimiliano y Rojas Patuelli, Karina, “Discutir la segregación socioeconómica escolar en términos territoriales. La influencia diferenciada de la fragmentación urbana y la movilidad cotidiana” [en línea], Investigaciones Geográficas, núm. 92, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad México. Disponible en <>, doi: <>, [fecha de consulta: 21 de junio, 2017].
7. The images, tables and graphs incorporated into the article will always be delivered in Spanish, grayscale, complete, clear and with the data of the respective source as foot of image. In addition, an editable / manipulable / editable file of the graphic in the original creation format must be attached to the article.
8. Works should be submitted in .doc (Word) format.
9. In a separate file, a curriculum summary ––with a maximum of 300 words–– of the author will be included, and will contain academic degrees, institution where he works, research line(s) he/she develops, electronic address, nationality, city of origin, RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) or its equivalent in the country of origin of the author or authors of the article, and legal address.
10. Articles will be submitted to a "peer review" examination, which will be made by specialists through the site, hosted on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform: In order to do so, the title page(s) of the author(s) will be omitted on the cover of the works, which will take care of their anonymity during the judgment process. Also, in each collaboration a separate sheet will be added separately with the author(s) name(s), ORCID record of the author(s), title, address and telephone number. The specialists who will act as reviewers will preferably be outside the institution that publishes the RMOP, that is, outside the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). The expert reviewers can’t belong to the same institution to which the author(s) of the article belongs.
11. The opinion specialists, after having read and analyzed the article, will complete and develop, in the form of an opinion, the following aspects to be evaluated:
a) Thematic relevance and originality.
b) Discussion of the subject and contribution to the progress of the discipline.
c) Consistency and structure of the exposure of objectives.
d) Orientation of the line of argumentation (or of the empirical evidence towards the foundation of the essential approaches).
e) Evaluation of the use and updating of sources.
f) Correspondence of the methodology with the objectives of the research and/or theoretical reflection.
g) Other observations not included in the previous sections.
Título del artículo:
Favor de marcar la opción que corresponda:
Publicable* |
Publicable condicionado a cambios y sugerencias del dictamen** |
No publicable en su estado actual. (Reenviar para una nueva |
No publicable **** |
Fuera de la línea editorial de la revista **** |
* En Open Journal Systems, este resultado equivale a la decisión “Aceptar envío”.
** En Open Journal Systems, este resultado equivale a la decisión “Se necesitan revisiones”.
*** En Open Journal Systems, este resultado equivale a la decisión “Reenviar para revisión”.
**** En Open Journal Systems, este resultado estaría comprendido en la decisión “Rechazar envío”.
Fecha de recepción del trabajo |
| Mes | Día | Año |
Fecha del dictamen |
| Mes | Día | Año
12. The results of the "peer review” examination process may be as follows:
a) If both scores are positive (Publicable-Publicable), the article will be publishable, as long as it also complies with the guidelines of the rmop.
b) If both opinions prove to be (Publicable condicionado a cambios y sugerencias del dictamen), that is, Publicable subject to changes and suggestions of the opinion, the author (s) should attend to all the suggestions of the opinion. Subsequently, the article will be sent to collation, preferably with the two specialists who gave it, so that they can analyze and verify if the author or authors complied with the request in the opinion.
c) If both opinions are negative (No publicable-No publicable), that is Not publishable-Not publishable, or the article is ruled as Fuera de la línea editorial de la revista, in English, Out of the editorial line of the journal, the article cannot be published in it and will be considered rejected.
d) Sometimes an article receives a positive and a negative opinion, so that any of the following situations may occur:
- The article could be considered as No publicable en su estado actual. Reenviar para una nueva dictaminación, that is, Not publishable in its current state. Forward to a new opinion, so that the opinion will be sent to the author or authors in order that, based on the suggestions of the evaluators, modify the article and the article is submitted to a new process of opinion.
- If the opinions received imply very different points of view, the article will be sent to a third evaluator, who will help define, with his/her evaluation, the final decision of the decision process.
Once the opinions are received, the analysis of cases where there are contrasts or differences between one reviewer (judge) and another (or others), the coordinator of the number, together with two or three members of the Consejo Editorial who are supporting the process of opinion will be given to the task of analyzing the arguments received to choose the final decision and to decide whether or not to publish said article.
The evaluation process lasts approximately 15 working days after receipt of the article. In the event that it needs to undergo a new evaluation, it will have to be considered 7 working days more after a new specialist agrees to participate in this stage of the assessment process.
After the author (s) submits their article with the modifications that the reviewers requested, another 7 working days will be considered for the article's comparison.
In the event that the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública does not receive the second version of an article with the necessary modifications to be sent to the collation (if the opinion was Publicable condicionado a cambios y sugerencias del dictamen), that is, Publicable subject to changes and suggestions of the opinion, or to a new examination process (if the opinion was No publicable en su estado actual. Reenviar para una nueva dictaminación), in English, Not publishable in its current state. Forward to a new opinion, it will be considered as rejected.
13. The Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública will occasionally admit a proposal for a review of some truly important book for analysis and reflection on public opinion. It will also be subject to a judgment process before at least one specialist. If necessary, the decision on the pertinence of its publication will fall on the Consejo Editorial. The aspects to be evaluated are:
a) Contents of the review.
b) Quality of the review.
c) Clarity and logical consistency.
d) Writing (cohesion and coherence).
e) Comments.
rmop format for the dictamination of a book review
| Excelente | Bueno | Suficiente | Deficiente |
Contenido de la reseña | Se justifica la elección del libro reseñado debido a la actualidad y relevancia de éste en el campo de la opinión pública. | Se justifica la elección del libro reseñado por ser importante y aún actual en el campo de la opinión pública. | Se justifica la elección del libro reseñado por ser importante en el campo de la opinión pública; sin embargo, en la actualidad se pueden encontrar libros más relevantes. | No se justifica la elección del libro reseñado por ser éste poco actual e irrelevante, o por estar fuera de la editorial de la Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública. |
Calidad de la reseña | La reseña permite al lector formarse una idea completa del contenido del libro, dándole al lector la oportunidad de decidir si lo quiere revisar más a fondo. El reseñista cita y explica las ideas centrales, señalando la trascendencia y la importancia que éstas tienen en el campo de la opinión pública. | La reseña permite al lector formarse una idea suficiente del contenido del libro; en ella se identifica la mayor parte de las ideas de éste; se expone de manera escueta la trascendencia que estas ideas tienen en el campo de la opinión pública. | La reseña permite al lector formarse una idea somera del libro; en ella se mencionan algunas de las ideas de su contenido, y se presenta un comentario general del tema del libro reseñado. | La reseña no permite al lector formarse una idea del contenido del libro; presenta algunas ideas de éste mediante un resumen o una paráfrasis, pero con poca precisión. |
Claridad y consistencia lógica de la reseña | El reseñista aborda el tema de manera clara, objetiva y equilibrada; maneja argumentos sólidos acerca de las ideas que identificó; incluye ejemplos que resultan claros y contundentes; ofrece de manera justificada información que va más allá del libro; además de las referencias en el caso de las citas, incluye todos los datos bibliográficos del libro; presenta con claridad los puntos fuertes y las debilidades del libro. En conjunto, la reseña es de fácil seguimiento. | El reseñista aborda el tema de manera clara y objetiva; maneja argumentos correctos, aunque con alguna imprecisión o falla menor en la organización; incluye ejemplos claros; ofrece información relacionada únicamente con el libro; además de las referencias en el caso de las citas, incluye todos los datos bibliográficos del libro; no alude a los puntos fuertes ni a las debilidades del libro. En conjunto, la reseña requiere una mayor atención por parte del lector. | El reseñista aborda el tema empleando pocos argumentos sólidos o los maneja con cierta desorganización; incluye ejemplos que carecen de claridad y contundencia; demuestra cierta comprensión del tema del libro; omite elementos importantes de la obra reseñada; cita sólo algunas de las fuentes en que se apoyó, aunque incluye los datos bibliográficos del libro. En conjunto, la reseña requiere una reestructuración para que el lector no pierda interés en el libro. | El reseñista no aborda el tema de manera objetiva; maneja argumentos desorganizados y endebles; incluye ejemplos confusos e irrelevantes; demuestra escasa comprensión del tema del libro; omite elementos fundamentales de éste; incluye solamente los datos bibliográficos del libro reseñado y, si realiza alguna(s) cita(s), omite las referencias. En conjunto, la reseña requiere de parte del reseñista una verdadera comprensión del libro al que alude y una nueva redacción, a fin de que el lector siga considerando fiable a la Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública. |
Redacción (cohesión y coherencia) | El reseñista emplea con eficacia las estructuras gramaticales para expresarse con contundencia y fluidez; emplea un vocabulario correcto, preciso y amplio para hablar de temas relacionados con el campo de la opinión pública; utiliza adecuadamente conectores para describir y argumentar; articula lógicamente las distintas partes de la reseña, sin contradicción alguna. La ortografía del reseñista es excelente. | El reseñista emplea de forma correcta las estructuras gramaticales, aunque en algún momento la redacción resulte repetitiva o poco interesante; emplea un vocabulario correcto y útil para hablar de temas relacionados con el campo de la opinión pública; utiliza adecuadamente algunos conectores para describir y argumentar; articula lógicamente la mayor parte de la reseña: alguna de las partes queda desvinculada, sin que por ello se produzcan contradicciones. La ortografía del reseñista es aceptable, aunque presenta algún descuido ortográfico. | El reseñista emplea de forma correcta la mayoría de las estructuras gramaticales; sin embargo, esto ya dificulta la comprensión de la reseña; no emplea vocabulario específico para hablar de temas relacionados con el campo de la opinión pública, o emplea de manera incorrecta algún término; articula lógicamente sólo algunas partes de la reseña y presenta contradicciones no graves. La ortografía del reseñista deja mucho que desear, pues contiene al menos dos errores ortográficos importantes. | El reseñista emplea de manera incorrecta las estructuras gramaticales, lo cual impide la comprensión de la reseña; emplea de manera incorrecta más de una palabra y no incluye términos relacionados con el campo de la opinión pública; presenta de manera desarticulada las partes que constituyen su reseña. La ortografía del reseñista es totalmente descuidada. |
14. The editorial team reserves the right to make style correction and editorial changes that it deems relevant to improve the work.
15. Works submitted to the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública must be unpublished and the author(s) agrees not to submit them simultaneously to the consideration of other publications. Originals will not be returned.
The rmop reviews, with the help of software, the articles it receives. This, in addition to helping it verify and verify the origin and authenticity of the content, allows it to corroborate that the information presented includes all its sources and is well cited. In case of any inconsistency or lack of information, the author will be sent a pdf that the tool provides with the results so that it can resolve said lack.
If there is a possible plagiarism of information, the RMOP will proceed in accordance with the provisions of the Código de ética (Code of Ethics) of the rmop.
16. The rmop does not charge for any of the academic-publishing tasks that it carries out or are carried out through it. Neither the opinion nor the correction of style nor the publication of articles or any other content carries any cost to the author(s).
17. The receipt of the articles does not imply the obligation to be published in a number of the Revista Mexicana de Opinion Pública. The decision will be exclusively of its Consejo Editorial.
18. The authors grant their permission for the article to be disseminated by means deemed appropriate, whether printed, electronic or otherwise. The authors will have to sign a letter with the Declaración de originalidad (Declaration of originality) and a contract of Cesión de derechos (Assignment of rights) that can be downloaded on the page of the journal in ojs:, and that should send to the following email:
19. For its part, the RMOP authorizes its collaborators to offer a copy of their published research in their personal web sites or in any open access repository, as long as the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública is specifically mentioned as the original source, citing the year and number of the respective sample and also adding the link to the website where this editorial body can be consulted in toto open and free.
20. Proposals should be sent through the rmop website If you do not have a username and password for this site, the author (or author responsible for sending an article written in co-authorship) must follow the following instructions, from point 1; otherwise, you can start from point 2.
1. Log in to to create a username and password.
2. Log in to ojs.
3. Click "click here", which is located under Start a New Submission, which consists of five steps:
1) Start
- Select the "Articles" section (unless you want to send another type of work).
- In Submission Language, "Spanish" must be chosen.
- In the Submission Checklist, select all the boxes that correspond to each of the six requirements required to send a job. (Be sure to do this only after you have fully complied with all.)
- Click Save and continue.
2) Upload submission
Upload the manuscript file of your article. To do this, carry out the following actions:
- On this page, click Browse (or "Select file"); a file selection window will open before you to locate it on the hard drive of your computer.
- Locate the file you want to submit and select it.
- Click on "Open" on the Choose File window, and the file name will appear on this page.
- Click on "Upload" on this page: the file will be uploaded from the computer to the journal´s web site and renames it according to the journal's rules (all this in order to preserve anonymity during the rendering process).
- Once the article has been uploaded, click Save and continue at the bottom of this page.
3) Enter Metadata
- Verify that your data is correct in Authors.
- In Title and Abstract, enter the requested data. It is important that you complete these fields; otherwise, the system will not let you advance.
- In Indexing, type the keywords in your article.
- In References, transcribe the bibliography of your article according to the specifications of this Instructive for collaborators.
- Click Save and continue.
4) Uploading supplementary files
In case the article has an additional file (with images, tables, spreadsheets, frames programs or other materials that accompany the article), you must select and upload it. Already uploaded, or in case the article did not have a file with a complementary file, click Save and continue.
5) Confirmation
Click Finish Submission. At the end of the submission, you will receive an email confirming the receipt of your item.
In case you have any doubts regarding any content of the Instructive or the process of sending your article, you can write to Dr. Carlos Luis Sánchez y Sánchez, director of the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública, to, or to Mtra. Martha Ordaz, publisher responsible at the RMOP to; call to the following telephone numbers 56229470 to 78, ext. 84227, or go to the offices of the Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública, at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Circuito Mario de la Cueva s/n, Edificio de Investigación y Educación continua (H), fourth floor, Ciudad Universitaria, c.p. 04510.
Ciudad Universitaria, Ciudad de México, January 2th, 2022.
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