Musical instruments as etiologic factors for maloclussions

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Claudia Patricia Guzmán Valderrábano
Américo Durán Gutiérrez
José Ramón Hernández Carvallo
Isaac Guzmán Valdivia Gómez


Dental occlusion may be severely affected by the constant execution of musical instruments, since only less than 100 g of pressure is required to orthodontically move a tooth, and the force these instruments exert on oral tissues has been measured, some of them reaching the 500 g pressure. Wind instruments such as transverse fl ute, trumpet, trombone and tuba are in direct contact with the lips and it is necessary to play an internal air pressure to the nozzle of the instrument causing injury to the muscles but also affecting the position incisor and mandibular position that leads to play this type of instrument. There are also string instruments like the violin and viola that are in contact with the mandible and put pressure on it for the correct positioning of the instrument. This may cause mandibular deviation, joint and occlusion problems to the musician. The orthodontist must consider the force exerted by the musical instrument on the oral cavity as well as its position, time of execution and age at which the patient began practicing since having an external and repetitive direct force causes several changes in muscles, bones, teeth and joints. It is important that, from the beginning and during the use of the musical instrument, the musician visits the orthodontist regularly for prevention and control of malocclusions and thus, prevents the development of a dysfunction that may cause long-term inability to play. When the musician begins playing the instrument from an early age it is important to be observed and, if necessary, treated orthopedically, because this may cause skeletal and dental malocclusions during the stage of growth and development.

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Como Citar
Guzmán Valderrábano, C. P., Durán Gutiérrez, A., Hernández Carvallo, J. R., & Guzmán Valdivia Gómez, I. (2018). Musical instruments as etiologic factors for maloclussions. Revista Mexicana De Ortodoncia, 6(1). Recuperado de

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