Considerations when referring patients with disabilities to orthodontic treatment

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Gabriela Chinchilla Soto


The disabled population has increased worldwide, which has
resulted in them being more included and equal in society.
Orthodontic treatment is possible for patients with disabilities and with the correct selection of the case becomes a viable option for improving the quality of life, aesthetics and function. This research aims to review the literature on orthodontic treatment for patients with disabilities, focusing primarily on cognitive and psychosocial disabilities. It also analyzed, through a survey of 42% of pediatric dentists in Costa Rica, how often disabled patients are referred to for treatment, as well as the reasons these patients are referred and the most frequents interventions. The scientifi c context found in literature together with the results of the country help to identify the strengths and opportunities to continue working together for accessible health services.

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Comment citer
Chinchilla Soto, G. (2017). Considerations when referring patients with disabilities to orthodontic treatment. Revista Mexicana De Ortodoncia, 5(3).

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