Orthodontic-surgical management of a patient with class II division 2 malocclusion and prominent chin

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Sayra Nayelli Velázquez Serrano


Male patient of 13 years of age, skeletal class II with horizontal growth and prominent chin, whose main reason for consultation was his prominent chin who presented a concave profi le, brachifacial biotype, lower retrocheilia, prominent chin, horizontal growth, deep mentolabial fold. He had a class II division 2 malocclusion, a 4 mm overjet and a 6 mm overbite. The treatment objectives were to improve the facial and dental aesthetics, coordinate dental arches and establish a functional occlusion. Interdisciplinary treatment was performed (orthodontic-orthognathic surgery), beginning with a presurgical phase by placing .022 slot MBT fi xed appliances. In the surgical phase, a triple surgery was performed and subsequently, a postsurgical stage. Treatment results were satisfactory since the set out objectives were achieved thus improving the patient’s facial aesthetics. Interdisciplinary communication is important as well as to recognize the patient’s expectations in order to perform a good diagnosis and select the treatment alternative that best favors function, aesthetics and improves the patient’s self-confi dence.

Key words: Class II division 2, facial aesthetics, prominent chin, deep bite, interdiscipline.

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Comment citer
Velázquez Serrano, S. N. (2016). Orthodontic-surgical management of a patient with class II division 2 malocclusion and prominent chin. Revista Mexicana De Ortodoncia, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmo.2016.03.052

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