Bolsonarism, a Phenomenon that Surpasses the Messiah

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Sergio Schargel


Monteiro, Geraldo and Carlos Teixeira (2020) Bolsonarismo: teoria e prática.

Rio de Janeiro: Gramma Livraria & Editora


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How to Cite
Schargel, S. (2022). Bolsonarism, a Phenomenon that Surpasses the Messiah. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 67(246).

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Author Biography

Sergio Schargel, UERJ and UFF

Sergio Schargel is a Ph.D candidate in Literature at USP, Ph.D candidate in Media at UERJ, Ph.D candidate in Political Science at UFF and master candidate in Political Science at UNIRIO. He holds a master degree in Literature from PUC-Rio, as well as bachelors in Social Communication, Journalism and Social Communication, Advertising and Marketing, both from PUC-Rio. Graduating in Lusophone Language and Literatures at Estácio de Sá University. Current CAPES fellow, former CNPq fellow. Works as a MEI Communication Analyst at the Igarape Institute. His research and artistic production are focused on the relationship between literature and politics, covering themes such as political theory, political literature, dehumanization, anti-Semitism and the work of Sylvia Serafim Thibau. He published in vehicles such as Nexo, Cantareira, Dignidade Re:Vista, Ribanceira, Valittera, HanzeMAG, Albuquerque, Almanaque de Ciência Política, Entrelaces, among others, besides several translations of academic and journalistic articles, mainly for Folha de S.Paulo, Brazilian biggest media outlet. He presented papers at events such as CAPPE, Mostra bosque, CLAEC, Póscom, LETEX, among others. He organized the twenty-seventh edition of Revista Escrita. Contact: /


Bolsonaro, Jair (2018) Projeto Fênix [pdf]. Retrieved from: [Access on September 27, 2021].

Della Coletta, Ricardo (2021) “Angola teme que Crivella transforme embaixada na África do Sul em posto avançado da Universal” Folha de S.Paulo [online]. July 2nd. Retrieved from: [Access on September 27, 2021].

Monteiro, Geraldo and Carlos Teixeira (2020) Bolsonarismo: teoria e prática. Rio de Janeiro: Gramma Livraria & Editora.