Modeling Electoral Psychology. Understanding Voting Behavior in the 21st Century

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Eduardo Muñoz Suárez


Among the existing literature on the understanding of electoral behaviour, a new work has appeared: Inside the Mind of a Voter. A New Approach to Electoral Psychology, authored by Michael Bruter and Sarah Harrison, two researchers from the London School of Economics and Political Science (lse) and founders of the Electoral Psychology Observatory (epo). The monograph is structured in 10 chapters and studies all key aspects related to the research of electoral behaviour from the perspective of electoral psychology.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Suárez, E. (2022). Modeling Electoral Psychology. Understanding Voting Behavior in the 21st Century. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 67(245).

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Author Biography

Eduardo Muñoz Suárez, Universidad de Salamanca

Graduate in Political Science and Public Administration, University of Salamanca. He has been assistant director in editorial tasks in the magazine América Latina Hoy, Revista de Ciencias Sociales of the Iberoamerican Institute of the University of Salamanca, and assistant director in the consulting firm Biderbost, Boscán & Rochin, in consultancies for the Program of the United Nations for Development, and projects of the European Commission. Main interests in political culture, public policies, and elections.


Berelson, Bernard; Lazarsfeld, Paul and William McPhee (1954) Voting: A study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Bruter, Michael (2005) Citizen of Europe? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bruter, Michael and Sara Harrison (2020) Inside the Mind of a Voter. A New Approach to Electoral Psychology. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Campbell, Angus; Converse, Philip; Miller, Warren and Donald Stokes (1960) The American Voter. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Lazarsfeld, Paul; Berelson, Bernard and Hazel Gaudet (1944) The People’s Choice. How the Voter Makes up his Mind in a Presidential Campaign. New York: Columbia University Press.

Norris, Pippa; Wynter, Thomas and Sarah Cameron (2018) Electoral Integrity & Campaign Media [pdf]. Retrieved from: [Last access March 5, 2021].

Schuck, Andreas; Vliegenthart, Rens; Boomgaarden, Hajo; Elenbaas, Matthijs; Azrout, Rachid; van Spanje, Joost and Claes de Vreese (2013) “Explaining campaign news coverage: How medium, time, and context explain variation in the media framing of the 2009 European parliamentary elections” Journal of Political Marketing, 12(1): 8-28.