Binary Logic, History and Social Sciences: Immanuel Wallerstein’s Approach

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Leonardo Bracamonte García


This paper rescues the constitutive character that some of the antinomies present in the conformation of modern thought have had. It delves from a fundamental premise: to underline a social history that serves as a base for the very trajectory of the social sciences. We will emphasize the structuration theory designed by Anthony Giddens and Pierre Bourdieu’s genetic structuralism. We will then consider the work of Immanuel Wallerstein, a perspective focused on the historicization of the modern world system and its structural relationship to the intellectual division of labor. For Wallerstein, the center of the malaise in moments of crisis of the pattern of capitalist power is oriented towards the constitution of modern thought and its epistemological division of scientific knowledge and philosophy or, in general, of the humanities. Finally, we will problematize the restrictive notion of totality supported by Wallerstein through the notion of social totality designed by Peruvian Aníbal Quijano.


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Bracamonte García, L. (2023). Binary Logic, History and Social Sciences: Immanuel Wallerstein’s Approach. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 68(248).

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Author Biography

Leonardo Bracamonte García, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Profesor agregado de la Universidad Central de Venezuela. 

Departamento de estudios pluridisciplinarios


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