National Insurrection or Proletarian Revolution? A Comparative Study of the French Communist Party and the Fourth International in France during World War II (1941-1944)

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Velia Sabrina Luparello


This article compares the politics of the Fourth International and the French Communist Party between 1941 and 1943, analyzing their printed documents. We will focus on the resistance strategies that each organization carried out and investigate the policies designed by each organization toward German soldiers. The comparative analysis between these two organizations in this period is fundamental since both developed their politics underground and suffered persecution from the Nazis. Still, the question remains as to why their influence on the masses and their growth in the post-war decades were radically different. Thus, it is necessary to consider the conditions in which each party found itself when the war began. The contrast between the pcf's policy of "national insurrection" and the "international proletarian revolution" perspective of the Fourth International demarcated the alliances and objectives of each organization facing the post-war period. Likewise, the relationship between the two parties was marked by crossed denunciations and attempts at joint work, but also by the historical disputes of the Bolshevik party and the Stalinist policy of persecuting Trotskyist militants.


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How to Cite
Luparello, V. S. (2023). National Insurrection or Proletarian Revolution? A Comparative Study of the French Communist Party and the Fourth International in France during World War II (1941-1944). Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 68(248).

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Author Biography

Velia Sabrina Luparello, CIECS-CONICET-UNC

Licenciada en Historia por la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (FFyH - UNC). Doctoranda en Historia por la FFyH - UNC. Becaria doctoral del CONICET. Ha publicado varios artículos sobre la Historia del Socialismo como “The Fourth International and the Debate on the National Question in Europe (1941–1946)”, Critique, 46:2, 241-257, DOI: 10.1080/03017605.2018.1456623; “Strategy and Tactics in a Revolutionary Period: U. S. Trotskyism and the European Revolution, (1943-1946)”. Science & Society,Vol. 78, Nº 4 de octubre de 2014 en coautoría con Daniel Gaido. Y otros sobre estudios de género e izquierda: “Aborto y capitalismo: un análisis de las políticas de control poblacional y de desarrollo económico en América Latina desde la mirada de la Teoría de la Reproducción Social (1950 – 1980)”, Diálogos Revista Electrónica de Historia, ISSN: 1409-469X, Escuela de Historia, Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica,  julio – diciembre 2017 pp. 103 – 120; y “Anarquismo y la emancipación de la mujer: El movimiento anarquista en Argentina y Nuestra Tribuna (1922-1925)”, Revista Historia 2.0, Conocimiento histórico en clave digital, Año IV, Número 8. ISSN 2027-9035, diciembre de 2014. Asociación Historia Abierta, Carrera 46 No. 56-16, B. Terrazas, Bucaramanga. Colombia. pp. 114 – 126 en coautoría con Laura Catena


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