Human Rights, Democracy and the State in the Third Wave of Autocracy

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Francisco Valdés Ugalde


This article delves into a persistent problem in political science and theory: the relationship between human rights, democracy and the state. It analyzes three main currents of political thought: 1) One states that democracy and human rights are inextricably related; 2) The second that democracy is a human right in its own right, and 3) The third that suggests that human rights can be upheld despite the absence of political democracy. The three theories are examined contrasting their postulates on the relationship between morality, politics and law in view of the obstacles to the development of human rights and democracy within the structure
of the contemporary state.


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Valdés Ugalde, F. (2020). Human Rights, Democracy and the State in the Third Wave of Autocracy. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 65(239).

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