Voices in Disenchantment

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Carlos Ortega y Guerrero


This paper explores two issues: 1) there is a superstructural, artistic, non-ideological element that contributes to the erosion of the Wall that in 1989 ceases to split the world through the heart of Europe; 2) without meaning to, the diaspora that resulted from the disarticulation of the iron curtain became a phenomenon of relevant cultural impact in various regions across the Western world in the fields of education, thought and artistic creation. After a general outline of the situation of at during Stalinism and the Cold War, it lists a few examples of the prohibition, persecution, deportation and murder that Russian artists were subjected to, particularly in the fields of music and literature. It studies the conceptual analysis and the assessment criteria for the importance and function of art in the revolutionary process from a critical perspective. Lastly, it provides a general commentary on the impact of the diaspora of Russian artists and scientists around the world, particularly in Latin America, once the Soviet regime collapsed.


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Ortega y Guerrero, C. (2019). Voices in Disenchantment. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 65(238). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2020.238.71986

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