Three Days that Shook the World: Review of the Social Sciences (1989-2016)

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Héctor Vera


This paper traces some visible changes—and a few underground tendencies—in the social sciences since the end of the Cold War. Three geopolitical events are underscored as turning points in the interests of social scientists during these decades. First, the fall of the Berlin Wall and what was known as “the end of history.” Second, the destruction of the Twin Towers in the terrorist attacks in Manhattan and what was called “the clash of civilizations.” Third, the Brexit referendum and Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election of 2016 in the United States, and the rise of an “anti-global populism.” A lesson to improve our current practices as social scientists can be drawn from each of these episodes.


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Vera, H. (2019). Three Days that Shook the World: Review of the Social Sciences (1989-2016). Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 65(238).

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