1989: The Beginning of Blurred Times. Reflections on Social Sciences and Culture

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Carlos Ballesteros Pérez


This article is a reflection on the historical processes that converged during the fall of the Berlin Wall, particularly on the two paths taken by the totalitarian movement and their violence, which defined the course of the 20th century. It aims to examine the historical background leading to the events of 1989 and their singularity from a contemporary perspective. It also emphasizes the meaning of a change of epoch in the realm of social sciences owing to the subsequent reconstruction of its theoretical conceptions. Multiple discussions unfolded and greatly influenced our understanding of nowadays complex problems. 1989 was a critical moment that laid the foundation for understanding fundamental issues, such as the strategic importance of democratic thinking in its various dimensions.


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Ballesteros Pérez, C. (2019). 1989: The Beginning of Blurred Times. Reflections on Social Sciences and Culture. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 65(238). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2020.238.71983

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