The New Role of the State in the Telecommunications Sector: The Case of the Shared Network in Mexico

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Judith Mariscal


For about a decade, a wave of state deployment of next-generation networks has been observed in the telecommunications market. At first glance, this shift in the role of the state seems incongruous with the successful trend of increased investment and market-led growth that the industry has experienced over the past twenty years. A closer approach reveals a combination of factors that led governments around the world to take on a more active role in this market. This article analyzes the state's interference in the deployment of infrastructure networks in Mexico and other Latin American countries. It also compares the changes in the role of the state in the two Mexican telecommunications reforms: 1990 and 2013. It is concluded that the return of the state does not represent a return to the previous role of service provider that prevailed during the postwar era, since the new wave coexists with a promotion of competition from private companies in the market. The present analysis stands that none of the reforms have succeeded in resolving the major inequalities in access to new information technologies (ICTS) in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Mariscal, J. (2021). The New Role of the State in the Telecommunications Sector: The Case of the Shared Network in Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 67(244).

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Author Biography

Judith Mariscal, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, Cide

Judith Mariscal (Ph.D LBJ School of Public Affairs UT Austin), profesora investigadora del CIDE, División de Administración Pública. Directora Ejecutiva del Centro Latam Digital.


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