Abortion: The Apple of Discord of the New Right. The Liberal and Conservative Arguments of the Propuesta Republicana (PRO) Deputies in the 2018 Debate on the Draft Law on the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in Argentina

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Gaston Souroujon


Propuesta Republicana (PRO) can be defined as an experience of the New Right, a variety of the Right characterized mainly by a combination of historically hostile political traditions: liberalism and conservatism. This hostility, in the different experiences of the New Right, is updated around the problem of abortion. The present work tries, firstly, to briefly thematize the theoretical and historical antecedents of this construct between liberalism and conservatism and the affinities that both traditions share, in order to then enter the analysis of the arguments made by the deputies of PRO when discussing the law regarding the voluntary interruption of pregnancy and analyze its link with the different political traditions. The abortion debate is presented as a laboratory in which the bicephalous nature of the new right is clearly manifested.


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How to Cite
Souroujon, G. (2021). Abortion: The Apple of Discord of the New Right. The Liberal and Conservative Arguments of the Propuesta Republicana (PRO) Deputies in the 2018 Debate on the Draft Law on the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in Argentina. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 66(243). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.2021.243.69643

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Author Biography

Gaston Souroujon, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Doctor en Ciencia Política

Magister en CIencia Política y Sociología

Investigador Adjunto del CONICET

DOcente de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario


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