Symbolic Violence as a Form of Violence Against Women in Politics: A Critical Examination

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Gabrielle Bardall


Violence against women in politics (VAWP) is an issue that has rapidly gained notoriety in academic works as well as in the policy world, to the extent that Mexico’s National Electoral Institute (INE), the Federal Electoral Tribunal (TEPJF) and the Prosecutor Specialized on Electoral Crimes, presented the “Protocolo para la Atención de la Violencia Política contra las Mujeres en Razón de Género” ahead of the most recent elections. However a recent addition to the typology of VAWP, “symbolic violence” is problematic and requires deeper investigation. This research note situates the concept of symbolic violence in relation to its theoretical origins, deconstructs it for greater specificity, and considers its conceptual and applied contributions to the field. It argues that, although symbolic violence is a serious issue, it should not be regarded as part of a typology of VAWP because it is distinct in its ontology and empirics. Instead, symbolic violence should be studied among other theories of social control. The research note offers recommendations for future research directions on this topic.


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Bardall, G. (2019). Symbolic Violence as a Form of Violence Against Women in Politics: A Critical Examination. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 65(238).

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Author Biography

Gabrielle Bardall, International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) & Center for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa

The author is an Advisor for the International Foundation for Electoral Systems and a Research Fellow for the Center for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa. The author's research helped pioneer the issue of violence against women in politics and the author served as an expert reference to the development of the UN OHCHR report on the topic in 2018.


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