The Battle of Ideas and Emotions in Latin America

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Roger Bartra


The long and labyrinthine process that Latin America has undergone in its way towards democracy has been marked by the same confrontations and quarrels present throughout the Western intellectual history, which have sometimes been expressed as a fight between "ideas and emotions." In Latin America, this intellectual quarrel may be described in Julio Cortazar’s terms, as a struggle between "Baroque cronopios" versus "Gothic fames," or as a war between two cultures: "that of blood and that of ink," echoing the erosion of the great theories and traditional ideologies. Thus, in the wake of the political and cultural developments resulting from globalization, the Latin American democratic transitions, and the fall of the socialist bloc, we know that we are witnessing the end of an era, but we cannot yet define the new age. This article ponders, thus, what the revival of romantic views and emotions may mean at the beginning of the 21st century. Mexico, in particular, faces a major political and cultural challenge, resulting from the fact that the Mexican society is still immersed in the culture of the Revolution’s nationalism. The perennial struggle between ideas and emotions has become manifest again in the form of a dilemma between attaching to an identity in crisis and trying to reconstruct it, or rather looking ahead with the aim of creating a new democratic civic culture.


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How to Cite
Bartra, R. (2016). The Battle of Ideas and Emotions in Latin America. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 62(229).

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Author Biography

Roger Bartra, Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM

Roger Bartra estudió Antropología con especialización en Etnología en la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia y el doctorado en Sociología en la Sorbona. Es investigador emérito del Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la UNAM y miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (sni), nivel iii. En 2013 la Secretaría de Educación Pública le otorgó el Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes en el área de Historia, Ciencias Sociales y Filosofía, y en 2015 recibió el título de Doctor Honoris Causa por la unam. Entre la amplísima obra ensayística del Dr. Bartra, algunos de sus libros más recientes son: Oficio mexicano. Miserias y esplendores de la cultura (2003), La fractura mexicana: izquierda y derecha en la transición democrática (2009), El mito del salvaje (2011, ed. corr.), La sombra del futuro. Reflexiones sobre la transición mexicana (2012).


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