Between Science and Fiction: Notes on the Demographics of the Shoá

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Sergio DellaPergola


Although the quantitative effects of the Shoá (a term usually translated as Holocaust), have been abundantly addressed and speculated over, few studies have been based on rigorous demographic methods to explore them. The first part of this article evaluates the main factors that should be thoroughly examined to establish the short and long term impact on the Jewish population. The second section presents demographic global projections of what the Jewish population would be nowadays if the Holocaust had not occurred. The obviously speculative analysis is based on numerous assumptions, beyond those suggested by the author. The findings of these hypothetical projections reveal that, due to the number of unborn generations, a high rate of infant mortality during the war, and the current aging of the Jewish population, the demographic losses extend way beyond the officially acknowledged six million direct victims of the war.


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DellaPergola, S. (2016). Between Science and Fiction: Notes on the Demographics of the Shoá. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 61(228).

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Author Biography

Sergio DellaPergola, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Doctor en ciencia política y demografía. Universidad de Milán y Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén. Profesor Emérito, titular de la Cátedra Shlomo Argov Relaciones Israel/Diáspora, Instituto Avraham Harman de Judaísmo Contemporáneo de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén, del cual fue su director (Israel). Sus líneas de investigación son: demografía de Israel y de las comunidades judías del mundo; historia y proyecciones demográficas; migraciones; identidades colectivas y judías contemporáneas; antisemitismo. Profesor visitante de las más prestigiosas universidades nacionales, entre las cuales destacan: Columbia University, Sorbonne, Università di Torino y Oxford University. Entre sus últimas publicaciones destacan: Israele e Palestina: la Forza dei Numeri (2008); “Demographic Trends, National Identities and Borders in Israel and the Palestinian Territory” (2013); “World Jewish Population” (2014); “Global Dispersion of Jews: Determinants and Consequences” (2014). Correo electrónico:


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