Energy Security, Availability, and Sustainability in Mexico

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Úrsula Oswald


This article explores a sustainable concept of energy security based on the wellbeing of the Mexican society that is able to fulfill the ndc committed to unfccc in 2015 and ratified in September 2016 by the Senate. It first analyzes the concept of energy security in the international context and then for Mexico examines globally the evolution of hydrocarbon extraction, conflicts, geopolitical pressures on oil prices, and the impact on public finances in Mexico and its oil company Pemex. The political-military approach of energy security reviews the increase of illegal actors involved in the robbery of fossil fuels. The article shows that energy security is not only a military-political issue, where powerful pressures of global actors affect oil prices by manipulating supply and demand. On the contrary, the text proposes that the current crisis in oil prices opens for Mexico the possibility to promote its abundant renewable energy potential (wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, and biomass) existing in the whole territory. Beside transnational foreign investment, stimulated by the present energy reform, there exist in Mexico also citizens savings to strengthen a renewable energy transition. Further, the restructuring of Pemex towards an efficient enterprise would stimulate public investments. Therefore, a holistic concept of energy security integrates human, environmental, economic, gender and societal security. This may open for Mexico the possibility of a long-term energy policy, based on sustainability, equity, and collective citizen’s welfare.


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Oswald, Úrsula. (2017). Energy Security, Availability, and Sustainability in Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 62(230).

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Author Biography

Úrsula Oswald, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (CRIM) de la UNAM. Correo electrónico: <>.

Úrsula Oswald estudió Medicina en la Universidad de Antanarive (Madagascar), así como una licenciatura en las carreras de Psicología, Filosofía, Lenguas Modernas y Antropología Social con especialidad en Ecología, por la Universidad de Zúrich. Posee también el grado de maestra en Antropología Social y en Psicología Social por la Universidad de Zúrich y el doctorado en Antropología Social con especialidad en Ecología por la misma universidad. Actualmente es investigadora titular del Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (crim) de la unam. Sus líneas de investigación comprenden los temas de cambio climático y cambio ambiental global; impacto del cambio climático, doble vulnerabilidad y resiliencia ante eventos extremos; manejo integral de cuencas hídricas; reconceptualización de la seguridad (seguridad humana, de género, ambiental, hídrica, alimentaria, de agua y energética) dentro de una perspectiva de género. De su numerosa producción, sus tres publicaciones más recientes son: “Handbook on Sustainability Transition and Sustainable Peace (2016); “The water, energy, food and biodiversity nexus: new security issues in the case of Mexico” (en Addressing Global Environmental Challenges from a Peace Ecology Perspective, 2016) y “Cambio ambiental global, seguridad alimentaria y de agua en América Latina. Un reto para la paz” (Patrimonio: Economía Cultural y Educación para la Paz [mec-edupaz], 2015).


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