Using Documentary Evidence in the Drafting of Legislative Bills: The Case of the Commission for Social Development of the Chamber of Deputies

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Perla Carolina Gris-Legorreta


This article considers the use of evidence coming from a variety of sources to substantiate bills introduced before the Chamber of Deputies. The Legislative, as a highly politicized arena, can rely on monitoring, evaluation and auditing tools not only for drafting initiatives, but also to inform and enrich the debate in a context where different ideologies converge systematically. This work suggests that the use of evidence is still an underutilized resource in Mexican legislative work. The main sources of information used in bills submitted to the Commission for Social Development at the Chamber of Deputies during the 60th, 61st and 62nd Legislatures are evaluated based on a case study. The most significant finding reveals that although evidences have been increasingly used in the legislative work, there is still significant potential for exploiting evidences from sources of a different nature, particularly those produced by agencies linked to the Chamber of Deputies, including the Superior Audit Office and the legislative studies centers.


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How to Cite
Gris-Legorreta, P. C. (2016). Using Documentary Evidence in the Drafting of Legislative Bills: The Case of the Commission for Social Development of the Chamber of Deputies. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 62(229).

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Author Biography

Perla Carolina Gris-Legorreta, Coordinación Nacional de PROSPERA Programa de Inclusión Social (México).

Maestra en Administración y Políticas Públicas por el Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas. Su desarrollo  profesional se ha centrado en el ámbito de las  políticas públicas, ha colaborado en el sector  público a nivel municipal y federal. Se ha desempeñado como docente en el Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Políticas de la Universidad Iberoamericana. Algunas de sus publicaciones recientes incluyen: “Auditoría y Evaluación: ¿Hacia un tercer enfoque?” (XIII Certamen Nacional de Ensayo sobre Fiscalización Superior y Rendición de Cuentas, 2013) y “Mexicanos en el exterior: Los retos institucionales del voto en el extranjero (Revista Fepade Difunde No. 23). Actualmente, realiza estudios de doctorado en The University of Sheffield en el Reino Unido, desarrollando una investigación centrada en la evaluación de políticas públicas.


Twitter: @xlalegorreta



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