Human Rights in Social Movements: The Case of Autonomous Midwives in Mexico

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Hanna Laako


This article explores the link between human rights and social movements based on the case of the autonomous midwives in Mexico. Even though the term “new social movements”, used during the 1980s, was abandoned because it was considered dichotomous, the text argues that the existing question between human rights and social movements remains current, especially in the context of development policies. Indeed, the case of autonomous midwives in Mexico unfolds the human rights dimension as a contended field in relation with issues of class and ethnicity. Based upon multiple sources and field work, the representation of autonomous midwives as a social movement –which extends into a Latin American campaign on human rights at childbirth-, demonstrates the challenge implicit in the validity of the dominant perspective on reproductive rights in the development’s realm.


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How to Cite
Laako, H. (2016). Human Rights in Social Movements: The Case of Autonomous Midwives in Mexico. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 61(227).

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Author Biography

Hanna Laako, CIMSUR-UNAM

Politóloga. Doctora en ciencias sociales por la Universidad de Helsinki, Finlandia, con especialización en relaciones internacionales. Posdoctorante en el Programa de Becas Posdoctorales, Centro de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias sobre Chiapas y la Frontera Sur, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Chiapas (México). Sus líneas de investigación son: movimientos sociales e indígenas, estudios de frontera, partería, sureste mexicano. Entre sus últimas publicaciones destacan: “Understanding Contested Women’s Rights in Development: Latin American Campaign for Humanization of Birth and the Challenge of Midwifery in Mexico” (2016); “Decolonizing Vision on Borderlands: The Mexican Southern Borderlands in Critical Review” (2015); “En las fronteras del Zapatismo con la academia: lugares de sombra, zonas incómodas y conquistas inocentes” (2015). Correo electrónico:


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