¿Qué es el decisionismo? Reflexiones en torno a la doctrina política de Carl Schmitt

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Gabriel L. Negretto


This essay is a critique of the so called “decisionist” theory by Carl Schmitt, first expounded on his main political works during the Weimar period. The author explains that Schmitt's idea of “decisionism” is not, as it has often been pondered a simple variant of ethical voluntarism associated with both existentialist and positivist moral philosophies.

“Decisionism” is a particular political doctrine based on the claim that the state is the absolute source of legal and moral decisions in political life. From this perspective, the author demonstrates that Schmitt’s “decisionism" is a purely negative doctrine, based on the symmetrical negation of all the political values of liberalism.


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Negretto, G. L. (2015). ¿Qué es el decisionismo? Reflexiones en torno a la doctrina política de Carl Schmitt. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 40(161). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1995.161.49743

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