Posmodernidad y acción colectiva

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Gabriel Pérez Pérez


This article explores the relationship between two different fields of social theory, Postmodernity and Collective Action, which are closely linked within the contemporary world. It includes an analysis of the principles of Postmodernity which establish a distancing from theory in terms of large systems, an intense criticism of scientific knowledge and of realism in the era of late Capitalism, a critique of the subject in social theory and of that which is related to the collapse of metanarrative as well as the annulment of production in a utopian society. This Postmodern position cancels the possibility of collective action as a result of structuralist preconditions and of a privileged subject and thus, it is required to measure collective action in a novel fashion which takes into consideration the results of intention, resources, and limits with an orientation built on social relations. Both fields, Postmodernity and collective action, have direct implications with the cases and with the new social movements.


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Pérez Pérez, G. (2015). Posmodernidad y acción colectiva. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(164). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1996.164.49528

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