La Iglesia Católica en México: en la arena política

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Felipe Cuamea Velázquez


This essay attempts at analyzing Catholic Church-State relations, their conflicts, and how mutual cooperation and simulation have enabled a change in the traditional perception of the Church as an enemy to circumstantial ally aiding in providing legitimacy to a bankrupt political system. The transformations of the social and political priorities within the Mexican Catholic Church due to changes in political strategy defined by the Vatican in order to strengthen the social and political clout of the institution, are also explored. This open attitude to the Church, finally responds to the State’s need for legitimization and its interest in projecting an image of broader political freedom in the country.


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Cuamea Velázquez, F. (2015). La Iglesia Católica en México: en la arena política. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(165).

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