De la revolución utópica a la democracia desencantada

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Ricardo A. Yocelevsky


The author touches upon the different conceptual viewpoints of socialist ideologies, and the impact they have had in the field of social Sciences. In a journey that takes us from the socialist concepts of the 19th century to the international, national and developmental stands of this century (from World War 1 to the 80’s), the author sketches a road of growing disenchantment with the realization of socialist utopias. The Latin American situation is used by the author as a frame of reference that provides him with a paradigmatic model of the research, development and crisis for this son of sociopolitical thought.


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How to Cite
Yocelevsky, R. A. (2015). De la revolución utópica a la democracia desencantada. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(168).

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