El pluralismo jurídico. Un desafío al Estado contemporáneo

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Oscar Correas Vázquez


The article criticizes the legal theory that defends “juridical monism”, i.e., the uniqueness, hegemony and exclusive operation of the juridical system in the modem State. Instead, the author points out the existence of what is known as "juridical pluralism”: the coexistence of numerous normative Systems within the same social sphere. Beginning with this premise, the author builds his discourse, aimed to show the fallacy and fiction of the juridical legitimacy of the State and to warn us of the State’s gradual loss of its juridical monopoly in favor of a more real juridical pluralism.


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How to Cite
Correas Vázquez, O. (2015). El pluralismo jurídico. Un desafío al Estado contemporáneo. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 41(168). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.2448492xe.1997.168.49392

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